818 606 8191 varouj@smoothair.co

HVAC Frequently Questions

We always prioritize keeping our customers well-informed so you can make the best decisions possible. This is why we’ve taken the liberty of anticipating common questions you may have and providing expert answers!

What HVAC Services Do You Offer?

We can handle any problem you have with your heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Call for specific services!

How Do I Know When to Service My HVAC Systems?

Not all issues are obvious – quite often they build up over time, and fixing them now can save you in the future. Call a professional technician if you’ve noticed spikes in your energy bills, odd noises or smells, and poor air quality.

What Are the Benefits of Regular Maintenance?

Many of us take our heating and cooling systems for granted – and in many ways it’s understandable. But, having your systems regularly or seasonally maintained by professionals is very affordable and does wonders to increase efficiency, manage your utility bills, ensure proper air quality, and promote the long lifespan of your system.

Why Should I Completely Replace My Heating or Cooling System?

This is a product of having a furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner that is causing you too many problems and too frequently. If your system is 10-15 years old, the chances are that it’s not doing a great job, and you’re constantly opening your wallet to have it repaired. New systems are designed for efficiency and built to last longer. A replacement can cut your energy bills in half and will work for years without a hiccup.



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